Agent Dash APK v2.01 Mod (Unlimited Diamond/Energy)

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Agent Dash APK v2.01 Mod (Unlimited Diamond/Energy).
Play the most intense, explosive running game on Google Play!

Agent Dash MOD APK: Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to destroy as many villainous bases as you can! Sprint through gorgeous environments, using secret agent skills to evade every hazard the evil megalomaniacs can throw at you, from laser beams and falling trees to skidding trucks and fiery lava.
Agent Dash.Use spy gadgets to help you on your way; equip jetpacks, parachutes and even slow down time! When the going gets too tough, call in support from a back-up agent! And when the time comes, draw your weapons and pull the trigger to destroy the base and make your escape as the building crumbles around you.
Compete with your Facebook friends. Hone your skills and sharpen your reactions to make the perfect run and become Top Agent!

Facebook Integration – easily connect and compete with your friends
★ Intuitive controls – swipe to dodge, jump and slide your way past hazards
★ Gorgeous graphics – stunning visuals that rush by at blistering speeds
★ Explosive gameplay – frantic, dramatic infiltrations and white-knuckle escapes
★ Unrivalled audio – dynamic music and visceral sound effects
★ Gadgets galore – parachutes, jetpacks, magnets, slow-mo and more
★ Cross platform - Sign into Facebook to save progress across all your devices

What's New
Dashing faster than ever in a HUGE update with over 50 improvements, including a massive reduction in loading times!
✓Load times reduced by a massive 75%
✓Brand new snow level
✓New unlockable character: Viscount Voodoo
✓New unlockable character: The Queen!
✓New gadget: Invisibility cloak
✓Jetpack now re-usable during play
✓Many boosts are now upgradeable
✓Menus are now clearer and easier to use
✓Purchase boosts nag pop-up removed
✓Invite friends to play

Download Links APK -->

1) Agent Dash APK v2.01 Mod [UploadedNet]

Mirror Links

2) Agent Dash APK v2.01 Mod [TusFiles]

3) Agent Dash APK v2.01 Mod [SecureUpload]

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Agent Dash APK v2.01 Mod (Unlimited Diamond/Energy)

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